table of contents:
  1. Creating an application registration
  2. Testing claim rules and few notes on implicit flow

There are several ways to inject custom claims into tokens issued by Entra ID. Before diving into those details (may be in future :rocket:), today I’ll focus on how you can easily test claims rules.

In this blog post I’ll describe how to use for testing claim rules in the OAuth2 implicit flow. To do this you need:

  1. Create an application registration in your Entra ID tenant
  2. Craft a redirect URL and test

Creating an application registration

Creating an application registration is straight-forward:

  1. Navigate to Entra Admin Center > App registrations > New registration or use Merill’s, or go directly
  2. Choose a name for the application registration
  3. In Redirect URI choose Web and
  4. Press Register

After the application is registered you need to enable implicit flow:

  1. Navigate to the application you have just registered in App registration
  2. Choose Authentication
  3. In Implicit grant and hybrid flows check both:
    • :heavy_check_mark: Access tokens (used for implicit flows)
    • :heavy_check_mark: ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)
  4. Press Save

Now we can start with testing :hammer_and_pick: :computer:.

Testing claim rules and few notes on implicit flow

According to Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow protocol diagram, the sign-in process should be initiated by application. This is illustrated by next picture, in the very first flow: SPA redirects user to sign in.

Implicit flow protocol diagram

Unfortunately, we can’t force to sign you in via Entra, so we’ll need to use a small workaround. We will build the URL manually and use it to initiate sign-in.

According to the documentation, the following parameters are mandatory in the sign-in request:

  • tenant
  • client_id
  • response_type
  • scope
  • nonce

Other parameters are optional, but we won’t dive into those details today.

parameter description
tenant This is basically your Entra ID tenantId, you can easily find it either through Entra administrative center or for example via MgGraph.

Get-MgOrganization | select -ExpandProperty id
client_id The Application (client) ID that was assigned during app creation previously. Either accessible via Entra administrative center or for example via MgGraph.

Get-MgApplication -Filter "displayName eq 'JWTMS Claims Test'" | select -ExpandProperty AppId
response_type id_token for id_token testing.
token for access token testing.
scope A space-separated list of scopes.

For OpenID Connect (id_token), it must include the scope openid, which translates to the “Sign you in” permission in the consent UI.

Optionally you may also want to include the email and profile scopes for gaining access to additional user data.

You may also include other scopes in this request for requesting consent to various resources, if an access token is requested.
nonce A value included in the request, generated by the app, that is included in the resulting ID token as a claim. The app can then verify this value to mitigate token replay attacks.

Since we are just testing claim rules we’ll use a constant :facepalm: 0xdeadbeef.

Never, ever do this in a application you are creating. Ever:exclamation:

To simplify the URL-building process, I’ve created a simple table that will help you. Just fill in the necessary parameters, and it will automatically generate the URL for you. The generation is triggered by onChange JavaScript event, so all you need to do is click the Copy URL... button, and the correct URL is generated.

At minimum, please provide your own TenantId and ClientId parameters, otherwise it just won’t work :nerd_face:.

Response type:

And short video for the conclusion.

Rhymes with trapdoor solution :laughing:.