determining last interactive logon method (password, Windows Hello/PIN etc.)
This one will be short.
I always forget how to determine the way the current user logged to Windows interactively.
This simple script does the trick:
$lastLogonUiKey = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\
$provider=Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\$($lastLogonUiKey.LastLoggedOnProvider)"
This script provides you with the last used credential provider.
For the list of providers you can run following:
$providers=ls "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers"
$providers | select @{n='GUID';e={ $_.Name.replace('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\','')}}, @{n='Name';e={Get-ItemProperty $_.Name.replace('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','HKLM:\')|select -ExpandProperty "(default)"}}
For Windows 11 23H2 you’ll see following.
GUID | Name |
{01A30791-40AE-4653-AB2E-FD210019AE88} | Automatic Redeployment Credential Provider |
{1b283861-754f-4022-ad47-a5eaaa618894} | Smartcard Reader Selection Provider |
{1ee7337f-85ac-45e2-a23c-37c753209769} | Smartcard WinRT Provider |
{2135f72a-90b5-4ed3-a7f1-8bb705ac276a} | PicturePasswordLogonProvider |
{25CBB996-92ED-457e-B28C-4774084BD562} | GenericProvider |
{27FBDB57-B613-4AF2-9D7E-4FA7A66C21AD} | TrustedSignal Credential Provider |
{3dd6bec0-8193-4ffe-ae25-e08e39ea4063} | NPProvider |
{48B4E58D-2791-456C-9091-D524C6C706F2} | Secondary Authentication Factor Credential Provider |
{600e7adb-da3e-41a4-9225-3c0399e88c0c} | CngCredUICredentialProvider |
{60b78e88-ead8-445c-9cfd-0b87f74ea6cd} | PasswordProvider |
{8AF662BF-65A0-4D0A-A540-A338A999D36F} | FaceCredentialProvider |
{8FD7E19C-3BF7-489B-A72C-846AB3678C96} | Smartcard Credential Provider |
{94596c7e-3744-41ce-893e-bbf09122f76a} | Smartcard Pin Provider |
{BEC09223-B018-416D-A0AC-523971B639F5} | WinBio Credential Provider |
{C5D7540A-CD51-453B-B22B-05305BA03F07} | Cloud Experience Credential Provider |
{C885AA15-1764-4293-B82A-0586ADD46B35} | IrisCredentialProvider |
{cb82ea12-9f71-446d-89e1-8d0924e1256e} | PINLogonProvider |
{D6886603-9D2F-4EB2-B667-1971041FA96B} | NGC Credential Provider |
{e74e57b0-6c6d-44d5-9cda-fb2df5ed7435} | CertCredProvider |
{f64945df-4fa9-4068-a2fb-61af319edd33} | RdpCredentialProvider |
{F8A0B131-5F68-486c-8040-7E8FC3C85BB6} | WLIDCredentialProvider |
{F8A1793B-7873-4046-B2A7-1F318747F427} | FIDO Credential Provider |
Unfortunately, Microsoft does not provide much documentation for these providers.
However, I searched the web and found some useful blogs.
- “Three ways of enforcing Security Key sign-in on Windows 10 & Windows 11” by Jonas Markström
- “AzureAD Passwordless Sign in, forcing Windows 10 to login with FIDO only - Part 3” by Craig Wilson
But when you want to go deep, lookup this little gem: “A primer on writing a credential provider in Windows.” by Dennis A. Babkin.